
Google AdWords -> Google Ads

Since its inception 18 years ago on the back of then leading Pay-Per-Click Search Marketing Network Goto.com/Overture, Google Adwords has been an unstoppable force in Online Marketing, leading Google to the companys’ current position not only as dominant online marketing player and wall street darling while at the same time providing the cash-reserves needed to expand into areas such as driverless cars, social media/video advertisement and venture capital.

Yesterday, Google announced the rebranding of its flagship search marketing platform into Google Ads. At the same time, Google used the opportunity to add some interesting new features to their platform:

– Smart campaigns
While Adwords always has been embraced by e-commerce companies, global corporations/brands and service-driven companies, AdWords often had difficulties attracting small businesses targeting a local audience without a dedicated marketing force and limited marketing resources.

Smart Campaigns is developed on top of Google’s existing Express technology enabling an automated campaign set-up for smaller advertisers enabling campaigns distributed across all Google properties with automated targeting and optimization capabilities included.

Google is designing products that help marketers to reach audiences. Therefore, in accordance with Google tradition, Smart Campaigns is designed to help small advertisers reach new audiences with as little effort as possible.

However, as always Google’s offer comes with a price of handing over control over the campaign execution to Google’s AI instead of learning the ins and outs of Search advertisement to leverage the full potential of Google Ads.

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